“These are the truths to keep close at hand, the tips women pass on from sister to sister, mother to daughter, and friend to friend.”

Clé bébé is the perfect gift for soon-to-be moms and dads! Short and light-hearted, Clé bébé is the key to distilled and crucial content that minimizes information overload during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.

Clé bébé Book

What people are saying.

  • Loved the simple and sleek layout and digestible tips for soon-to-be mamas. Much less overwhelming and more personal than many dense parenting books. Beautifully designed as well!

    K. Stevenson

  • I bought this as a gift, but had so much fun reading through it myself. Highly recommend. You will smile and learn. Such a sweet book.


  • When I first got pregnant, I was so overwhelmed and then someone handed me Sears's Baby Bible which may have been a 1400 page book of WAYS I COULD SCREW UP MY CHILD. Cle Bebe is perfect. It's short, sweet and charming, it gives you all the things you may want to google later without burying you in detail. I would give (and have given!) this book to first time pregnant moms, especially if they are the type to shy away from heavy reading.

    TK Yarb

They say knowledge is power, Together we can improve the prenatal, pregnancy, and postpartum experiences for women with a unique key to all things bébé!